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Install the Leuven-Template in 7 steps

There are seven steps to follow which should lead to a succesfull install

  1. Upload the template to your website
  2. Set the permissions of the folders
  3. You are here now
  4. Adapt the settings files
  5. Configure the upload of weather-data
  6. Adapt menu items
  7. Almost finished

This test-program checks a few things to make sure that you can use the template with your web-hosting company. This program is based on problems with installing from previous users. So this program will grow as more checks will be built into.

If you get output you do not understand or which advises you to contact Weerstation-Leuven do not hesitate and use the contact page in the download area or contact me

You can run this program by typing this into your browser:

www.your weatherstation name.xyz/weather28/startHere.php

You need to replace www.your weatherstation name.xyz with the name of your own website.

The output of a correct run will look like this:

step 1 checking: $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]: result =  OK
step 2 checking: CURL support: result =  OK
step 3.1 checking: file_exists: result =  OK
step 3.2 checking: chdir: result =  OK
step 3.3 checking: file_put_contents: result =  OK
step 3.4 checking: chmod: result =  OK
step 3.5 checking: unlink: result =  OK
step 4.1 checking: load xml from test site : result =  OK 
step 4.1 first 100 data chars of retrieved xml = 
<!-- My_Station 15-9-13 11:39:05 -->
<!-- Remove auto_update section if wanting the default

step 4.2 checking: load xml from metar site : result =  OK, 
step 4.2 first 100 data chars of retrieved xml = 
2015/09/15 10:50
EBBR 151050Z 21020KT 9999 FEW043 16/07 Q1001 TEMPO 20020G35KT

step 4.3 checking: json support gauges earthquakes: result = OK
step 5 checking: path to installation folder: result = Folder settings OK

What to do with an error message

If you get an error message such as "ERROR: no CURL support" you first have to your PHP settings by typing this into your browser:

www.your weatherstation name.xyz/weather28/info.php

You will see what version of PHP you are using and what options are set. Depending of the type of error you will need to contact your hosting provider to let them change some internal settings. They should help you as the facilities the Leuven-Template needs are quite normal.

There could also be a "WARNING: text message". Please note it down as by problems during adapting the template it maybe give us a clue why some strange bnehavior occurs.

If you doubt on the output of these test programs or are unsure of the meaning of the messages feel free to contact me via the contact page

What to do with these warnings

WARNING - Change wsUserSettings.php:  $SITE["topfolder"]  from : weather28/ to: /membri/leuven/weather28/

Make a note of this warning.

Even if you installed the template in weather28/ on your website, some providers add extra folders before that, as in this example /membri/leuven/. You will see the same message on top of every page until you set your own settings correctly, later on.

en/test_program.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/17 08:04 by wvdkuil