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Install the Leuven-Template step 7

There are seven steps to follow described in this "How to"

  1. Upload the needed scripts to the root of your website
  2. Set the permissions of the folders
  3. Test the webserver first
  4. Manually change the settings files
  5. Configure the upload of weather-data
  6. The menu system
  7. You are here

Almost finished

What do you want to display on the start page, and what needs to be removed?

There are over 20 different parts or components to be used on the home/startpage. You can now select which components you want to have and in what sequence they should be shown.

This customization is described in Build your own startpage

Remove the yellow box or not

You can now remove the yellow box as the site is runnig correctly as is and own your weather-data is uploaded.

The settings for this

# The  yellow box at the top
$SITE["maintenanceShow"]= true;                 # true = Display the yellow box on top of the page  |  false = Do not use
$SITE["maintenanceTxt"] = "./_my_texts/maintenance.txt";

There are tho different ways to do this:

  1. Set $SITE['maintenanceShow'] to false
  2. Change the contents of weather28/_my_texts/maintenance.txt

The second possibillity is accomplished leaving the $SITE['maintenanceShow'] set to true, while by adding the word none as the first word in the file weather28/_my_texts/maintenance.txt.

You could, as I do, use this yellow box for information about new pages added or by a warning that certain pages are not present because of problems with a forecast-organization. So I add the word none when the information is not needed. And remove the none text after adapting the remainder of the text to the new situation. I have only to remotely change one file (maintenance.txt) and not the settings file.

Sounds more difficult than it realy is and it makes the sytem more reliable. A typing error in the settings can sometimes bring down the whole website. A typing error in maintenance.txt is not noticed by your visitors.

Direct visitors to the template scripts

If you want your visitors of
to go directly to the startpage of your new web-ste
you can accomplish that in different ways. The more technical way is changing the .htaccess or DNS settings of your web-site. Not all providers let you do that.

The simple way is the one the template uses. In weather28/_my_scripts/ you find a one-line script zz_index.php

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1; url=weather28/index.php">

You should now

  • Check that file if it has these contents only
  • Optional: if you changed the install folder, adapt the one line to point to your new folder and not to weather28/
  • rename that file to index.php

If you now copy that fiel to the root of your website, your visitors will be redirected automatically to the weather28/index.php which starts your template website.

All well with YoWindow ?

If yowindow is not displaying current weather values and is showing an error message "no weather data" you have to rename the zz_crossdomain.xml file you will find also in weather28/_my_scripts/ and move / copy it in the root of your website.

See this YoWindow topic for more information


What is "debug mode"? It displays a lot of extra information as comments in the page html which is send from your website to the browser of your visitor. This comes in very handy when you are trying to find an error in a setting a.s.o.

Set debug off

If you are finished adapting the template to your liking and are running in a production environment it is better to switch debug mode off. This is done in the _my_texts/wsUserSettings.php script at about line 12/13 by removing the comment mark

$SITE['wsDebug']  = true;  // ##### 
#$SITE['wsDebug'] = false; // remove comment mark at position 1 when you are fully satisfied with your site.

Now far less debug information is sent to the browser which improves response times.

Set debug on the fast way

If you later on run into a problem for which you want all debug information, you can switch debug on for one session by adding &debug at the end of your url. So http://www.weerstation-wilsele.be/index.php?p=10&debug will send the extra inforation you need at that moment.

Protect your settings

Your settings file constains sensitive information, such as your e-mail address and the API keys.

You should protect your settings by modifying the line with your password in wsUserSettings.php

$SITE["password"]       = "";


$SITE["password"]       = "your_nice_password";

No problem if you forget it, you can use yor FTP program to check the value. Replace the your_nice_password with a string of characters.
Do NOT use & or ? or other special characters which have a HTML meaning

If you are using weatherprogram WSWIN, WVIEW or Davis-Weatherlink.com you are running a cronjob to generate the yesterday values.

Do not forget to add the pw=your_nice_password to yesterday.php See also: CRON jobs

When using the support site ALWAYS mention the password you used to protect your settings. It is impossible for everybody but you to check the settings without a valid password.

en/how_to_install7.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/18 07:21 by wvdkuil