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EWN stands for European Weather Network http://www.europeanweathernetwork.eu/

Our goal is to have a comprehensive view of weather conditions across the European countries. If you are a personal weather station owner/operator, please let us know so we add you to join the growing community!

To become a member visit http://www.europeanweathernetwork.eu/member.php?en

When you are a member you can use different EWN scripts to enhance your website.

EWN scripts

script toelichting
members As other Mesonets the EWN members page displays all member stations on a map. Information about the weather at that station is displayed when you "hoover" above the location of the station. Also a webcam image can be displayed.
kaarten For the next three days you can display temperature, wind, precipitation and a lot more weather-variables. These are by far the most extensive weathermaps available.All information from the EWN weather maps is also available on the EWN forecast page.
VerwachtingThe EWN-Forecast is EWN's own in-house generated forecast. Its the only forecast that is generated on demand, when you query it! This means you get allways the most recent data available. The EWN-Forecast is available for ca 850000 locations trought whole Europe.
en/ewn.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/26 13:48 by wvdkuil