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Install the Leuven-Template in 7 steps

There are seven steps to follow which should lead to a succesfull install

  1. Upload the template to your website
  2. Set the permissions of the folders
  3. Test the web-server environment
  4. You are here now
  5. Configure the upload of weather-data
  6. Adapt menu items
  7. Almost finished

Introduction to adapting the settings files

The settings files are used to adept your website as much as possible by changing the parameters in one place. In the following pages you will go on a 'escorted' tour changing the settings to reflect your situation.

If you are already using the Leuven- or Saratoga-Template you will first copy your current settings to use those as default values for this release. The explanation is on the Upgrading from previous releases tab.

In "How do we customize the template" you use question/answer screens to customize / generate the main settings file: wsUserSettings.php. After generating that file, about 80% of the customazation is done, wthout even seeing the PHP lines.

But there are more files to customize, that will be done in the last tab ,"Other files to customize" were you edit text files with information about interesting places and a few other small files.

On multiple pages with questions you will insert your own values directly on the screen in customizing the template for your situation without even seeing PHP. It is not necessary yet to understand PHP as the settings file is normaly only generated at the end of the questionnaire. But that file will be a real PHP file. A basic understanding of PHP comes in handy later on.

You could read and try to understand this page:
Chapter: Background informationYou have to read (understand) this before adapting the scripts

Please remember: Just modifying lines without the necessary PHP knowledge results in strange errors on the website.

en/settings.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/16 08:38 by wvdkuil